Craftsmanship in modern times.
A brand of accessories for wind instruments, inspired by the tradition and good work of the prestigious manufacturers of the 20th century, which seeks to recover the manufacture of a durable, functional and quality product.
The origin of the brand is a notebook signed by Roberto Santtonio, an Italian clarinetist and saxophonist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
In this notebook we could find out that Signore Santtonio was a great follower of Leonardo de Pisa - known as Fibonacci - and also a student of his mathematical theorems, which he always tried to apply to music and woodwork, his two arts and professions.
The golden number, or Fibonacci sequence, has been respected since Leonardo Pisa published it in the 12th century, but we have no record of anyone before Roberto trying to apply it to organology or music theory.
We want to accompany all musicians, professional and amateur, in their effort to forge a close but broad relationship with music, facilitating from our side the improvement of accesories and music equipment.